You've received this invite because YOU are one of the coolest, most interesting people I know. And I can't imagine spending my birthday with a better group of folks, gathered to support the children of Many Hopes.
Many Hopes builds homes and schools for abandoned kids in Kenya and it's an organization near to my heart.
Please join me for the party! Buy a ticket, claim your seat, and enjoy a unique and delicious meal prepared by my friends, Katy and Jonathan of The Pixie and The Scout. The conversation will be stimulating, the wine will be flowing, and I can promise that no one will walk away hungry.
And if you're unable to make it but would still like to support Many Hopes, please visit my fundraising page here. Just $60 will provide food, clothing, and healthcare for one of our girls for a full month!
As always, The Pixie and The Scout will be catering the dinner in their incredible test kitchen in Brooklyn. Food, wine, and good stories all included.